Congrats on a month sapphi!

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Thanks Tui! Thanks for convincing me to join :D

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Sep 16Liked by Sapphi

Excellent work. Depressing but accurate. We need a stronger opposition team.

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It worries me that as long as Labour can take the easy middle votes, they will, and it will prevent them from pursuing any radical or risky policies. It just… seems likely.

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Sep 17Liked by Sapphi

👏🏾Congrats on 1 month AND 100 subscribers 👍🏾 Also congrats on talking plain common sense as well as being based in the consequences for real people day to day. I hope one day I can afford to support you with a paid sub, but recent increases in ins, rates, mortgage etc. mean I am being forced to examine all outgoings for the moment 🤔

You mentioned you have only known MMP & (rightly) find it is not ideal - but it was even less ideal when a party or coalition didn't even need a majority in order to IMPOSE their will, and until NOW it has meant less extremism as there was some tension between the major party & the coalition partners. (Also a better representation of how Aotearoa society is made up). However, all the lies & dishonesty you highlight have given us a coalition with parties giving each other permission to run amok - Luxon is either on board & secretly supports Seymour et al in their destructive behaviour for the present & future equity of our people, or he is a total ineffective "leader" and/or coward 🤬 Jacinda & Chris H dealt to Ministers who transgressed - this lot wear it as a badge of honour 🤷🏾‍♀️

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Thank you! Absolutely no pressure if you can’t afford to subscribe — that’s why there’s no paywall. Cost of living crisis is real 😅

MMP is a tricky one. Is it better than the system we had before? Probably. I’m a big fan of MMP in theory — I like the minority party representation when ACT aren’t using it to wreck the country. But the results are questionable and it’s a huge concern for me that new parties can’t seem to form and enter parliament.

Your comment reminds me of a quirky little bill that was passed right at the end of FPP, in response to parties not keeping election promises, that bound them to the commitments they make to voters. This has zero relevance in an MMP system because coalition governments prevent it from working. I don’t even know if it’s still on the books — it might not be, as I didn’t hear any noise around it when Labour got into power by themselves. But then again, maybe they just stuck to their word.

People predicted Luxon would be a weak leader and that Winnie would walk all over him but I don’t think anyone expected Seymour to be quite this much of a driving force in this government.

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