Good to read truth about Key and neoliberalism in general. It facilitates wanton greed, and destruction of the ecology that allows us to live on this planet. It’s all in with wars - great for the economy. To hell with the neoliberalists and let’s have an economy for actual human beings.
Wars and economic crises can be surprisingly profitable when you’re a neoliberalist. I had a real awakening moment when I finally realised WHY educated and economically knowledgeable nats supporters were okay with their insane economic plan that was always going to lead to this sort of crisis — they’re all rich as shit and see it as an opportunity to make bank. To quote wall street bets (not usually a good source of financial advice), shares go “on sale” during a downturn.
😱 Never "bought" the Jonkey schtick🤷 He gave me creepy vibes on a personal level, & "Luxon-with-hair" vibes as a leader (except he had more back bone & misdirected intellect) 🤬
Not surprising that Key supports Trump. Key’s one dimensional mantra, that Trump ‘is good for the economy’ is so lacking in substance except that yes Trump is good for ensuring the rich get richer.
What is so appalling about Key’s support for Trump is that Key doesn’t care that Trump is a bad actor - Trump is a convicted felon, who lies and lies, who denigrates anyone and everyone who crosses him, who incites hatred and division. Trump has no moral compass, is in love with autocrats and is willing to trade in democracy and the rule of law. And yet Key would vote for him… shame on you John Key, what happened to your brain and your morality?
The most shocking thing I ever learned about Key was that his mum was a diehard labour supporter. For her sake, I’m glad she died before she saw what he did to the country.
For our sakes, I wish she’d lived for an interview. Or to install just a tiny bit of shame in him for being a class traitor.
Good to read truth about Key and neoliberalism in general. It facilitates wanton greed, and destruction of the ecology that allows us to live on this planet. It’s all in with wars - great for the economy. To hell with the neoliberalists and let’s have an economy for actual human beings.
Wars and economic crises can be surprisingly profitable when you’re a neoliberalist. I had a real awakening moment when I finally realised WHY educated and economically knowledgeable nats supporters were okay with their insane economic plan that was always going to lead to this sort of crisis — they’re all rich as shit and see it as an opportunity to make bank. To quote wall street bets (not usually a good source of financial advice), shares go “on sale” during a downturn.
😱 Never "bought" the Jonkey schtick🤷 He gave me creepy vibes on a personal level, & "Luxon-with-hair" vibes as a leader (except he had more back bone & misdirected intellect) 🤬
I bought it a bit but to be fair, I was twelve.
JK was my first PM where I was in any way politically aware… in some ways it’s a relief having Luxon as PM. He’s nowhere near as well masked.
does he agree with the destruction of democracy?
does he disagree with pretty every republican in the us that was in power when he was in power?
Not surprising that Key supports Trump. Key’s one dimensional mantra, that Trump ‘is good for the economy’ is so lacking in substance except that yes Trump is good for ensuring the rich get richer.
What is so appalling about Key’s support for Trump is that Key doesn’t care that Trump is a bad actor - Trump is a convicted felon, who lies and lies, who denigrates anyone and everyone who crosses him, who incites hatred and division. Trump has no moral compass, is in love with autocrats and is willing to trade in democracy and the rule of law. And yet Key would vote for him… shame on you John Key, what happened to your brain and your morality?
Good for the economy = good for me
The most shocking thing I ever learned about Key was that his mum was a diehard labour supporter. For her sake, I’m glad she died before she saw what he did to the country.
For our sakes, I wish she’d lived for an interview. Or to install just a tiny bit of shame in him for being a class traitor.