What can I say, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Targets, smargets. The lessons: big rocks and complex systems are two entirely different things. Chunking complexity into ridiculously isolated targets is futile. Luxon could help himself immensely by reading up on leverage points. Perhaps read some System Dynamics books. Then, he wouldn’t push so hard trying to go in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, I fear he is out of his depth.

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Luxon's entire position is irrational unless you believe in the thoroughly discredited economic dogma that originated in the Chicago School of Economics almost a century ago and is now being heartily pushed by the Atlas Foundation and all their acolytes, including our catastrophic coalition government. It follows that, given Luxon's fragile narcissistic ego, there will be more and more frantic and inconsistent bluster from him as the results of his shocking defunding of nearly everything become more and more obvious. I can't think of a single thing he's presided over that won't make life in Aotearoa worse. Quickly. Roll on 2026.

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We were warned that there would come a day when the thin veneer of rationality and reason would give way to temper and bluster. This man Luxon has been used to having his own way in the corporate world, no mincing words, no having to justify to journos what he's up to in the boardroom and as he weilds his axe. He is not a politician but a rather ill tempered man not used to being questioned in the public arena, a thoroughly useless prime minister.

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Spot on.

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I totally agree, but don't underestimate the power of the ignorant to re-elect this clown again

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He has packaged a big man complex into his diminutive skill set with a thin veneer of bluster.

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Apparently taken money out of the public system and giving it to the top 5% IS a better result, in Luxon’s book…

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