
For any law enforcement who may be reading this, I meant “dear CEO”, not dead. But once again, I can’t edit it on mobile. This post is not a death threat. Please don’t arrest me.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Sapphi

🙋Well - it does fit perfectly with your theme of Lux-flakes & the like being dead "inside"? 🤔 I don't wish any of them DEAD before their natural time, but I do wish those with no empathy & humanity GONE from influence, now & into the future 💯

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the problem is being dead gets them out of power, so there’s some genuine upsides other than them just not being alive anymore. But in Luxon’s case I doubt his replacement would be any better…

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Confession: I don't know who Jassy is either!

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🤭Confession - I HAVE bought stuff via Amazon when I have exhausted all suppliers in Aotearoa for an item I needed to fit a specific niche, and I don't feel at all guilty. The ones to blame for bad employment practices are those in charge - we could still have nice things & treat workers ethically. 🤷 & I am sick of the "either/or" mentality of these people - including telling us we can't have a Dunedin hospital completion (after MILLIONS have already been spent on it) because then we would have to miss out on essentials we want -?? like tax cuts for the tiny minority of people in Aotearoa who are landlords?? Or hugely expensive roads for the districts represented by minority govt MP's?? 🤬

Enjoy your trip 👍

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