🤔 This govt has done many infuriating things, and interfering in Local govt is one that winds me up as much as anything. We vote for our local govt reps to make decisions based on local issues & not only do we get to vote them out or back in next time, but we see them around the place & can interact at public meetings etc. (Christchurch broadcast many on-line) Unless there is obvious dysfunction, central govt should stay out of it, but even that is fraught with "who decides" questions⁉️ If they are going to hand over a portion of GST to local govt then I would accept such funds being ring-fenced for say water infrastructure or whatever, but if a community WANTS bike lanes & other such things, it is no business of central govt what OUR rates are spent on. No system is perfect, but with this coalition it is pot-calling-kettle black on steroids, plus imposing their ideology which we didn't vote for locally.
🤔 This govt has done many infuriating things, and interfering in Local govt is one that winds me up as much as anything. We vote for our local govt reps to make decisions based on local issues & not only do we get to vote them out or back in next time, but we see them around the place & can interact at public meetings etc. (Christchurch broadcast many on-line) Unless there is obvious dysfunction, central govt should stay out of it, but even that is fraught with "who decides" questions⁉️ If they are going to hand over a portion of GST to local govt then I would accept such funds being ring-fenced for say water infrastructure or whatever, but if a community WANTS bike lanes & other such things, it is no business of central govt what OUR rates are spent on. No system is perfect, but with this coalition it is pot-calling-kettle black on steroids, plus imposing their ideology which we didn't vote for locally.
Very interesting for those living adjacent to Wellington…