Yes, fantastic work. I really appreciate your commitment to digging through god-knows how much dross to pull a crisp presentation together like this.
I’m still on the right, of course, and voted ACT, but we all need this kind of work to hold the system to account.
On a different note I read the whole of Stephenson’s interview out to my wife, the upper part and the Braunias part. She hates Seymour. She thinks he is a shit-faced rat-weasel. She damn near fell off the chair laughing at “Hamilton”. She didn’t bother to try to hold it together after that.
TV! (Well, I quite reasonably pointed out, seeing as TV is not as watched as it used to be, that makes him quite a specialised appreciator of minority arts.)
I hope you get a break (although it doesn’t sound like you are) and have a lovely Christmas/New Year.
Haha, I’ve never actually HEARD the scorn in a written interview before but this interviewer managed it. Glad you and your wife enjoyed it, and Merry Xmas!
Thanks Sapphi & glad you had a good Xmas - I don't always comment but I (almost) always read, because we all need to be aware of this stuff - can't fight what you don't know about eh? I'm "at home" for the holidays & pretending I''m away - for that read "being relaxed about housework, going for long walks, & doing lots of reading" (but with a more comfortable bed than my camping setup!) Clearing my mental space for writing submissions before the cutoff 🧐
Nearly 2025 & admit there is a lot to worry about, but if we all work together we can minimise the harm & maximise the good 💪💜
Hi Sapphi
Yes, fantastic work. I really appreciate your commitment to digging through god-knows how much dross to pull a crisp presentation together like this.
I’m still on the right, of course, and voted ACT, but we all need this kind of work to hold the system to account.
On a different note I read the whole of Stephenson’s interview out to my wife, the upper part and the Braunias part. She hates Seymour. She thinks he is a shit-faced rat-weasel. She damn near fell off the chair laughing at “Hamilton”. She didn’t bother to try to hold it together after that.
TV! (Well, I quite reasonably pointed out, seeing as TV is not as watched as it used to be, that makes him quite a specialised appreciator of minority arts.)
I hope you get a break (although it doesn’t sound like you are) and have a lovely Christmas/New Year.
Haha, I’ve never actually HEARD the scorn in a written interview before but this interviewer managed it. Glad you and your wife enjoyed it, and Merry Xmas!
Great piece! So good to read this kind of thoughtful, intelligent analysis.
Fantastic work Sapphi. Keep it coming.
Thanks Sapphi & glad you had a good Xmas - I don't always comment but I (almost) always read, because we all need to be aware of this stuff - can't fight what you don't know about eh? I'm "at home" for the holidays & pretending I''m away - for that read "being relaxed about housework, going for long walks, & doing lots of reading" (but with a more comfortable bed than my camping setup!) Clearing my mental space for writing submissions before the cutoff 🧐
Nearly 2025 & admit there is a lot to worry about, but if we all work together we can minimise the harm & maximise the good 💪💜