This is so ridiculous it would be comedic if the effects weren’t so real. Something straight out of Yes Minister.

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Well it seems the skit is playing out in our own halls of Parliament. Not sure Phil Goff will love his character arc.

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How this plays out over the next few months is almost already defined; Trump will declare an National Emergency and claim special power, he will postpone any election, cancel the rule of law, and combine the police with the armed forces under his exclusive control. He will them claim to be President for life, as America aligns more with Russia as a combined dominant world power. It is only ordinary people who can take action with civil non-violent action - there is no-one else and the people outnumber the fascist government dictatorship forces.

Only ordinary people can stop this slide into America becoming a Right Wing dictatorship.

Forget that trump is an idiot, cant read etc, that time has past - it has become an irrelevant argument - we are well past any legal argument or ethical considerations, it has become Right Wing domination completely for the Self Interest band wagon!

I hope not for the sake of all of us, but I have much concern we are so close already!

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Alas, I still feel compelled to dispel the misinformation and reassure people that transgender healthcare is really, really normal.

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NOT that button! That’s the nuclear button.

Ohh I thought you said it was the microwave button.

Oops bit late now.

PS In 2003 I spent a month in Lesotho helping set up an accounting system for the newly created government revenue authority.

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Thank you so much for this information. I agree Trump can’t read. Remember when he was pictured holding his Bible upside down.

That image spoke 1000 words.

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No. But he definitely knows how to tell big porkies which his MAGA cultists lap up.

We’re all feeling ‘strange’ right now not knowing where to turn or what to do.

I’ve just watched Bernie Sanders respond to Trump’s 90 minute ramble.

It’s sobering, thoughtful and real.

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Do you think he was even able to tell?

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No words Sapphi. 🥺

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