You’ve been very kind Sapphi. I’m unsure Luxon even cuts it as a CEO. A fast talking sales person who doesn’t listen and endlessly repeats pre-prepared pitches, maybe. I know, harsh, right, but where is the evidence of his brilliance? I’ve never seen it.

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Yes there’s probably a lot more to say about what he’s bringing to the table even in times of peace. So far his contribution has mostly been to be an absolute doormat for the other party leaders…

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Sapphi thanks for your perceptive overview of the state of Aoteoroa! Very thought provoking, and probably largely unknown to the majority of voters here and now. We need to spread this information, and you’re making a start. Good work!

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Thanks you! Every time I write anything about Aotearoa’s political history, I have to do some research and fact-checking and I always learn more. Zooming out on the timeline always gives a bit more context that shines some light on how we came to be here, I think.

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